These are only the funny or good updates, have fun.
Blah Blah Blah, Bring on the insanity!
10.16.00 Hey... *Nsync Concerts start tomorrow. ("And I'm going! Whoo hooo!") Shut up... (Who was that?) Well yeah I'm going. I don't know how many hours are left, ask the freshmen, they're keepin' track. Sad, isn't it? I'm just going to show my support for the Baha Men... No actually I wanna laugh as Mr. Kirkpatrick pushes *Justin off the... no wait, I never said any of that... I want to see "Digital Get Down"... I haven't laughed really hard in a while. I'm low on karma... I need music. Dance music... And Requiem! Now where was I?.... Ah! The point! LIZ has my sketch pad and is scanning stuff for you wonderful people! It should be up in a few days, like two.
*No, I don't HATE Justin, I just think it'd be funny as all to see him fall of the stage. |
10.17.00 *Nsync's tonight, I'll review it tomorrow. I have to give my shout out to Chris Kirkpatrick! Happy birthday, Mr. CEO!! And to the girls at school who stick to me like velcro, screaming incessantly about *Nsync tonight, he didn't give me the tickets. I got them myself. And thanks to *Nsync, for the Cpt. Crunch w/ Crunch Berries Cereal you left on the plane... It's mine now. (Thank you Bob!!)
Anyway, Amanda is here yelling about Lance, and "other things of Lance"... (Oliva, you get it.) So I have to go. And to Mr. CEO, hope your neck feels better!!
And to the art fans, more scans are coming... 2 days I'm guessing.
Yesterday was Election Day!! Gah... Technically, today's still election day... tomorrow will be too.
My statements on the election?
Only in America...
Can a woman who's hardly set foot in a state become its senator,
A three and a half hour election last over two days,
A deceased Democrat beat a living Republican.
Oh, Drew Carey Show on.
Hurry up Florida!!! Oh well, More to come.
11.09.00 - 11.13.00
I dont' wanna waste room on the updates page.
I'm here wating for closier on the polls! 941 votes Bush leads!!
If Gore ends up carrying Florida then I've got a collectors item! Yesterday, my local newspaper printed their front page "Bush Wins Thriller!". There's only 170,000 in America and I got one! Anyway, politics are crazy, in my personal opinion I think they should stop worrying about the votes in that part of Florida where people voted for Buchanan LOL, and if I spelled his name wrong I don't really care. However I heard in Texas a newspaper was printed with 'Gore Wins' ore something to that point. SO If Bush wins they get the special newspaper. Anyway this election is crazy I can't wait until 5:00 pm tonight.
And they should make Florida all one timezone.
My opinion only.
And if anyone wants to rant their political views or anything else for that matter, please do it in the guestbook.
Oh Please Oh Please Sign the book!
I give up. Just finish the Election.
I'm still wishing a happy birthday to Mr. CEO. Yeah, I went! I waved, got waved at, swear I saw Pink, although she never took the stage, sat lower level, got confetti, screamed "Happy Birthday Mr. Kirkpatrick!", when all was quiet, and heard a laugh, listened to my friend wail and cry about how close she was to Mr. Bass, yelled some, got more confetti, got to see Drive Myself Crazy, in short, raised Karma for the day. And Domo Arigato to Tonini-san for telling me about the art program... You have no idea how much I appriciate it. And I wouldn't be surprised if people complain to you about how very long it takes for Ami's website to load cause of all the new graphics. And to Liz... Your scanner is annoying, but thankyou so much... Can you get it to scan more than 2 inches? Danka.