Who Gave Ami A Pen...

Hot off the scanner

Who DID give Ami the pen...

FuMan Skeeto...

The pictures... that should be why you're here...

The Spill ... more pictures... Many more.

Wanna tell me what you think.... please do.



Even Crazy people like to hangout at cool websites...



Frequently Asked Questions:
I love writing these things. Here they are.
"If you aren't Ami who are you?"
-Ami Kino. Other than that, One can never be sure.

"Who is Makoto Hosakawa?"
-That girl in the Gallery... you know the one. No, really, she's my main character.

"What makes Chaos such an important character?"
-He's hot as hell.

Where can I read Link 7, your comic book?"
-I have the only copy so I can let you read it... how ever I won't send it anywhere. Maybe eventually I'll scan the whole thing.

"I asked you to draw me like a month ago!! Why haven't you done it!?"
1) I may hate you... not usually the case.
2) I'm busy... usually the case.
3) I may have better things to do... like breathing... hold on... there thats better.
4) I might forget, as humans often do. What was the question anyway?

"Why don't you draw more pictures of Justin?"
-Because I have found many websites with many pictures of Justin. And with all the hair changing, the only character I want to work on is Chaos, made after Mr. Kirkpatrick.

"Why do you call Chris 'Mr. Krikpatrick'?"
-Well 'Kirkpatrick' is his last name, and I want to show respect.

"Fine, why do you call 'Mr. Kirkpatrick' 'Mr. CEO'?"
-Because he's CEO of the coolest company, FuMan Skeeto!!

"What's wrong with you?"
-I enjoy being cynical in this section.

"No, I meant all the time."
I have to go.