Who Gave Ami A Pen...

Hot off the scanner

Who DID give Ami the pen...

FuMan Skeeto...

The pictures... that should be why you're here...

The Spill ... more pictures... Many more.

Wanna tell me what you think.... please do.



Even Crazy people like to hangout at cool websites...



Rana Michelle Thorton

I can't talk today.

When will it stop?

Just read.
Don't commit suicide damnit, it hurt the people you leave behind.

And I must thank Dave, you know which one he is, for asking the only comforting words, "Do you want a hug?"

Now, our writings:


I stand here now. I stand here in this snow
covered plain wondering what happened. I look
towards the sky. The sun is gone, it has
diaspeared. The eternal snow has started. The
never-ending snow which has engulfed our world of
ruin. It will only be a matter of time before the
mist of fury comes. Then the skies will lite with
fire and we are all forgotten in the pages of
history. The dove hath been slain by the evils of
life. The dove had no place to go. She could have
come to me for help, for a helping hand, for
anything. But I was in a far off land. I never
told her how I felt. But now tis too late to tell
how I felt. I shall neve again get the chance. No
one knew about the dove who destroyed her own
lifeforce with the very essence of fear,sadness,and
darkness inside. She will be missed by us all.
Will she be forgotten by the time the winter
soltice arrives? Only time may tell. The only
dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.
I fear the lives of my comrades. We are all
unstable in these times of darkness. But all I can
do now is stand here in the snow, crying, crying
tears for my dear departed friend. Now she flies in
the never-ending stream of time while I stand here
crying. I will miss you Rana...