Who Gave Ami A Pen...

Hot off the scanner

Who DID give Ami the pen...

FuMan Skeeto...

The pictures... that should be why you're here...

The Spill ... more pictures... Many more.

Wanna tell me what you think.... please do.



Even Crazy people like to hangout at cool websites...



Check em out!

These are my favorite places to go.

FuMan Skeeto

My girl's page! It's neat!!

My tomodachi's page, it's a Duo Maxwell one, for all you anime clueless out there. (Some of my crap may make it there.) And, "Hey Duo!! I used HTML To make this!!"

nsubanner.jpg (11562 bytes)

This site is great for Nsync fans too! There's another link in the guestbook.
Chris Kirkpatrick . nu